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"MAC" Myths
Over the years a lot of untrue “myths” have spread through out the gun community about the M-11 series. Most of these “myths” come from people who have no experience with M-11s or get their jollies off on cutting down every firearm except for the one they just happen to have at the range. Whether it’s the guy with the $25,000 HK or $5,000 2-mile bolt action, I wish they wouldn’t spread this false information around because it just confuses those looking at the M-11 as a next purchase.

Frankly, as a fellow M-11 owner, I am tired of being discriminated against.

Range Myths
M-11s are unreliable pieces of crap
M-11s can’t hit the broad side of a barn
M-11s are junk guns only designed to last 200 rounds
M-11s run better with hot ammo
Semi M-11s can be converted to FA by grinding down the firing pin
Movie Myths
M-11s can be fired one handed with no climb
M-11s can be fired safely with one in each hand
M-11s can be fired sideways with one hand
Fact Myths
RPB stands for Rape, Pillage, & Burn
SWD stands for Sylvia and Wayne Daniel


M-11s are unreliable pieces of crap
Most of this has come from people’s experiences with a poorly manufactured M-11 (most of the time it’s a semi-auto ban period gun) or one that uses Zytel magazines and it's a magazine problem rather than a gun problem. The M-11s operation is so simple that a functional related problem is rare.
M-11s can’t hit the broad side of a barn
I laugh at people who claim the M-11 can’t hit any thing. It might not be a 1 moa paper puncher but it will hit a man-sized target in stock configuration no problem at 25 yards. With upgrades the competition M-11 will out shoot the MP-5!
M-11s are junk guns only designed to last 200 rounds
I don’t know how this myth started but the AKM seems to share the same stigma that they were built so poorly they will fall apart. With the M-11 it is probably the result of a gun coming apart from abuse (running very hot ammo, or shooting with no buffer).
M-11s run better with hot ammo
This myth probably started from people seeing special military issue ammo designed for a specific gun. This ammo was usually hotter to provide enough energy to cycle the guns action. Thus an assumption was made since the M-11 is a SMG then it should run this stuff just fine. Unfortunately many owners followed this bad advice and ended up damaging their guns!
Semi M-11s can be converted to FA by grinding down the firing pin
I hear this one all the time and it is not exclusive to the M-11. It usually comes from the so called “gun expert” at work telling everyone how he has a friend that did this to his semi auto whatever and now its full auto. If anything, shaving the firing pin down will cause it not to shoot at all!
M-11s can be fired one handed with no climb
Don’t you just love seeing a bad guy doing 90 mph on a motorcycle firing his “MAC” with one hand while holding it magically on target with ease? Unfortunately many new M-11 owners go to the range and try to dump an entire magazine without a good grip and find out the hard way that this is impossible. The movie guns don’t climb because they are using blanks or not firing at all, with the muzzle flash added during film post processing.
M-11s can be fired safely with one in each hand
On screen nothing is cooler then seeing the hero or villian "dual-wielding" two MACs in hand cutting down thousands of bad guys. Unfortunately in real life this is not the case. Many new M-11 owners go to the range and try to attempt this feat and find out the hard way that controlling either gun is almost impossible. The movie guns don’t climb because they are using blanks or not firing at all, with the muzzle flash added during film post processing.
M-11s can be fired sideways with one hand
I can’t stand seeing these “gangsters” hold a “MAC” sideways when doing a drive-by. It looks cool but impossible in real life. Many new M-11 owners go to the range and try to attempt this feat and find out the hard way that a full-auto M-11 will climb up and sideways immediately. The movie guns don’t climb because they are using blanks or not firing at all, with the muzzle flash added during film post processing.
RPB stands for Rape, Pillage, & Burn
I have no idea how this myth started other then some one probably didn’t have the patience to find out what it really stood for. RPB = R. Roby, C. Pitts, & R.W. Brueggemann
SWD stands for Sylvia and Wayne Daniel

Close, but no cigar. SWD was named after Wayne Daniel’s wife, Sylvia Williams Daniel.

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