Fire Control Group Disassembly |
This is page 2 of the M-11 Fire
Control Group Disassembly tutorial. If you would like
to go to the previous page click on the link below.
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4 through 5 |
4 |
your screwdriver and push down on the FCG retention
wire, colored purple, so that the trigger axis pin,
colored red, can be pushed out of the receiver.
may have to hold on to the trigger frame to keep it from
binding up with the axis pin. |
the trigger axis pin removed you should have been able
to pull out the following parts. A.
FCG Retention Wire
B. Trigger / Trigger Frame
C. Disconnector
D. Trigger Spring
E. Trigger Axis Pin
5 |
If you wish to also
disassemble the safety, you will need a
punch pin and a hammer to complete this step.
Before taking the safety
apart you should know that under the safety slide,
colored, purple, is a small ball bearing and a spring,
so be careful not to lose them.
the lower receiver on its side and look at the safety
selector, marked in green. Notice the small roll pin,
marked in purple. You will need to knock this pin out
with a punch pin while keeping the part supported from the
rear so the metal tab inside doesn't bend or break. |
Once the pin is removed
you can remove the safety selector switch, marked in green,
from the safety slide, marked in purple. |
the safety pin removed, you should have been able to
pull out the following parts.
Safety Slide
B. Safety Slide Bearing
C. Safety Selector Switch
D. Safety Slide Bearing
/ Detent
E. Safety Retention Pin
"Intermission" |
We have completely
disassembled the Fire Control Group. Most people never
completely take apart their FCG because it is usually
unnecessary. At this stage it is a good idea to clean
in places that cannot be reached under normal circumstances.
If you wish
to learn how to put it back together continue with this
here to go to page 3 of this tutorial |